Contact us

Do you have a comment or suggestion you’d like to share? Email JULIEMAGNOLIA3@GMAIL.COM.



How do you ship and how long does it take?.

​We ship UPS Ground which is usually 3-5 days.


Inside of Southern Charm Marketplace located at 13421 Hooper Rd, Baton Rouge, LA 70818.


We chose BruMate products because they are functional and beautiful. They are also family owned companies. BruMate was founded in 2016 by 21 year old Dylan Jacob in Indianapolis Indiana.  We love these companies because they believe in providing great quality products.  They offer a wide variety of colors.  BruMate offers a beautiful glitter line and masculine designs.  We are focused on providing a great selection of these products.  We plan to continue to add new products often so keep visiting our site.  If we do not have something in stock we are happy to order for you!